Monday 11 January 2010

Body of Christ

The church (Christians as a unit) is often referred to as the body of Christ... 1 corinthians 12:12 "The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all the parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ." This is just describing the fact that different members of the body have different gifts whether spiritual or otherwise and therefore have different parts to play in the kingdom. I'm going to use that analagy of the body and take it a step further in saying that we all have different roles in each other's lives on an individual level as well but first I want to try and explain something.

The Body of Christ (the way it was intended to be) provides a unique opportunity for us to network with fellow believers and help each other through the Christian walk- Romans 12:5 "so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others". As Christians we are supposed to be united against 'the world' in order to overcome it's difficulties. In order to do this we have to share in each other's difficulties which means we need to be accountable to one another. It seemed to work well in the New Testament and most of the time they managed to encourage instead of condemn. This is the way God intended it to be but in this day and age the devil, through society, has confused our minds to make us feel like we are alone, even to the point that we feel most people are against us.
Openness is now predominantly seen as weakness and people would rather suffer in silence. It doesn't have to be like that. We can apply the 'body analogy' to individuals as well in the sense that we can't exist on our own- we technically need other people (body parts). I believe I have different friends that are in my life for various functions. I'm not encouraging you to be open with everyone but there is a peace that comes from being accountable to the right people. The only catch is that you have to find out who they are.... I need a friend to fill each of the following functions, some will obviously overlap:

Sometimes I need a kick up the backside, are you willing to be that swinging leg? Sometimes I need a shoulder to cry on, will you play the sturdy shoulders? At times I may need comfort, who will be those loving arms? There are times when I need approval, who will be the mouth that utters words of encouragement? There are even some times when I can't see certain things clearly myself and need another perspective, does anyone mind acting as an extra pair of eyes?

Apart from all that, I need a friend to look up to at all times meaning that at least one of my friends has to be the one who walks on spiritual stilts!

One church, One unit, One body!

Peace out!

Monday 4 January 2010


To most people whether they believe in Him or not, the concept of God is a hard one to understand but if He made our minds then surely He would have put a limit on our knowledge? .....wouldn't He? Just a thought. The point is that we will never fully understand God and He cannot be properly described even if you used all of the letters of the alphabet and alliterated each one;

Observe below Exhibit A:

God Is The...

Adept Alpha
Benign Benefactor
Creative Connoiseur
Dreamer of Destinies
Eternal Excellency
Faithful Father
Gallant Giver
Honourable Hope
Inconceivable Illuminator
Jovial Joygiver
Knowledgeable King
Loving Lord
Merciful Maestro
Nurturing Novelist
Omnipotent Omega
Proven Panacea
Quiet Quencher
Ready Reconciler
Selfless Saviour
The Truth
Unfailing Unction
Vivid Veteran
Wonderful Word
Yearnful Yahweh
Zealous Zoologist

As you can see, I tried but my efforts were in vain. I give up, He's too much- case closed!