Thursday 26 August 2010


Hey fellow Sunshine citizens, it's been a long time I know, if you were having to pay a suscription fee you would all have cancelled your direct debits. Forgive me, but today I've been convicted to write a blog (a friend of mine has started 1 lol).

There's something theraputic about writing, even if it's utter rubbish it just makes me feel a certain way. Have you ever got goosebumps from a book? The actual goosebumps series doesn't count by the way. I would love my writing to make people shiver but there's probably an art to it.

The art of writing reminds me of dance in the way both are judged. Dance audiences expect a lot in terms of composition, they want it to be sharp, seamless and succinct, but at the same time expect an element of freedom. You have to let loose but somehow keep definition, it's a very hard skill I pressume. I can confess that I've never been taught how to dance and don't know much about it but I love trying different styles so here I go. Loose but composed (I think (or hope)):


All things un-seamed
semi-curse words
like maybe
or likely

How about slightly?
might be
the worst of the lot
might as well
bite me

of the highest degree
climbing society
like it was a tree

Spreading like viruses
on a PC
I'm not immune
no I'm talking to me

'Can't you decide man?
left or the right man?
Decisions taking up
all of your life span'

Scared of my life man
don't know if I can
muster up courage
to become a ‘kite man’

Soaring above land
and diving in seas?
sounds like the life man
for you and not me

I'm cool right here
where I still feel the heat
coz what I'm unsure of
is uncertainty

Not sure if I can
venture off dry land
swim in the ocean?
Bruv, am I a merman?

Don't know what's out there
naked and laid bare
that's how I'll feel
when I realise I can't stand

And sky is to bird
as the land is to man
if you reason verbally
you’ll understand

But how can you reason
when you’re on cloud 9?
The fact that you numbered them
means you have time

Too much time really
when time’s in decline
And I can see clearly
You don’t value life

Spend your time dreaming
when dreams are misleading
illusions you’re breeding
they fill up your mind

You should try my trick
and fill it with worries
you’ll only be crippled
the rest of your life

All things surrounding
uncertain ambitions
should sound the alarm bells
so wake up in time

Or uncertainty
of the highest degree
will climb up society
like it’s a tree

Then spread like a virus
on every PC
no I'm not immune
so I'm talking to me!