Friday 16 November 2012


A few weeks ago, I was at a bus stop, with my eyes closed, minding my own business - praying that the bus would come soon, and in process of counting it down - when a lady asked me if I was waiting for a certain bus. 'Yes', I said, and closed my eyes again. This didn't seem to deter this lady who was clearly intent on speaking to me and somehow perceived that I was a good listener. Sure enough, I listened. I listened to her telling me she'd just come out of hospital and complain that the hospital had a new section complete with security guards and yet didn't seem to be able to afford good care for patients. I listened to hear talk about her friend's Mum whose life support machine had been cut off recently. I listened to her say life isn't fair. I was quiet through all this. And then I heard her say these words: 

'It makes you wonder, if there is a God, he must be an evil one!'

At this point, I could listen no more. She'd talked enough, it was my turn. I was angry she'd said that, but I was more upset that she didn't know how good God is and how untrue her statement was. Instead of unleashing all the scriptures on her, I just said 'You can't say that, God is a good God. You can't blame Him for everything.' (In hindsight I should've said you can't blame him for ANYTHING!). She then said she's 'not a church person or anything' which seemed like a pretty random response to me. 'What do you believe?' I asked her, which earned me the common response of 'I don't know really', followed by 'no one knows for sure do they?' 

'I do, I do!' I was screaming in my head, which came out as a more adult 'I know for sure, God is real. He speaks'. I admitted to being a Christian and she then proceeded to tell me she had been having suicidal thoughts. I had no idea how to react to that, but I thought I'd have to pray about that so I took her name and told her I would. I won't bore you with any more conversation details but in the end it turned out she knew the location of my church so I invited her. No idea if she's ever come but I pray she is still alive and has come closer to the truth if she hasn't fully discovered it yet.

The account I gave you proves two things to me:

1. Everyone is looking for God

That lady had no idea what she believed in but was determined to speak to me about the injustice of life. She knows something is not right with the world and wants answers. She was looking for a friend, someone to confide in - why else would you randomly tell a stranger that you are having suicidal thoughts? (I'm sure God made her open up to me but I'm just saying) God alone provides that deep satisfaction that would convince a person of their worth, God is the best listener, counsellor and friend.

2. God can use anyone at anytime

I am normally really willing to listen, but on this occasion I wasn't really in the mood - I'd just done a tough session at the gym and just wanted to go home (I know I sound like a baby). Even though I had my eyes closed,God still conveyed to this woman that I was the correct person to speak to. I'm just glad that God told me the right things to say to her and that He gave me the boldness to 'stand up for Him' in a sense. 

I feel so privileged to be used by God to speak truth. I felt that God was telling me write this to encourage someone. I kept procrastinating but for the last couple days I haven't been able to get this out of my head, so whoever you are, I hope this speaks to you my friend.

God bless you.

Remember He is with you and He loves you, He will never forsake you.

Sunshine -`o -