Wednesday 3 February 2010

Back to Basics

This year got off to a very funny start. I decided that I was gonna go back to basics in every area of my life and see what I would learn. I wanted to see what I would learn about myself and why I act in certain ways and do certain things, both positive and negative; and about life in general. Needless to say this has been an interesting exercise and I have learnt quite a few things- and as I have an inside-out view of my life and those close to me look from the outside-in I accept that sometimes I may be the last person to realise certain things about myself.

One of the main things that struck me was that I have devoted very little time to gaining knowledge intentionally. Hosea 4:6 (NIV) says "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge". Knowledge is vital! Far too often in life I take people's word for things because I don't know any better, this is true of a lot of us. It's so easy to get side-tracked when you don't know the difference between right and left. That's why I've gone back to basics, back to the way I was in primary school when I knew nothing and I asked a lot of questions because I still know nothing. I also used to read a lot back then- a hobby I have forced myself to rediscover since mid January.

So following on from the realisation that I know nothing and I have done nothing about the fact that I know nothing came the will to learn something. Just this morning I started reading a book called 'Can you handle the truth?' by R.T. Kendall and Andrew Sampson. It is a Christian book giving different perspectives on 2 Timothy, a book in the Bible written by Paul.

I've only read about 40 pages of it but it's already changed my outlook on a few things. One of the authors, Andew Sampson, was talking about the anointing that Timothy had but didn't know how to tap into it and he was already quite timid, that's why Paul had to encourage him (and us)through these letters. He made a point that we rob ourselves of time and try to hard to do things when we need not to. He went on to say that when you know you are operating in the anointing of the Holy Spirit everything you need to do becomes so much easier.

This to me was so profound because I've always felt that I have a knack for complicating my own life before trials and tribulations even come so by the time they do I'm already on my knees because I'm shattered and the next stage is to fall flat on my face. It doesn't have to be like that. I need to start gaining more knowledge and stop trying so hard because in truth it's easier for me to go round in circles than move forward in my own strength.

I can't stress how important knowledge is, both of our Creator and our relationship with Him and of the world we are commissioned to affect. Find yourself, seek knowledge, meet the Holy Spirit, start living instead of existing!

Much love people,

Speak soon!

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