Wednesday 21 October 2009


23 years old! Are u serious? That is old!!! But the way I'm gonna get over the age is by claiming my 23rd year on this earth as my year of GREATNESS coz Michael Jordan wore the 23 jersey and he was GREAT hence 23= greatness as well as responsibility.... I would describe 2009 and my 22nd year as the best year of my life so far and my dream is for all the potential that I began to exbihit in that time to materialise this year! I want to thank God for all the good times and bad times I have experienced in my life so far and all the people that contributed, especially to the bad! I feel stronger in every sense! Character building baby!

So many things are looking good for me right now but I just need them to fully manifest (help me out Lord). I'm not gonna make demands really but I'm gonna continue being my biggest critic and see where I end up!

Well anyhoo, the fact that this is my blog and it is practically my birthday gives me a licence to do anything I want so I wrote a poem. The Title is pretty self explanatory. Enjoy!


I still can't believe how quickly time flies

A couple years on and I'll be 25
Maturity levels must soon multiply

Time to stop making excuses full stop
Wake with ambition and aim for the top
Eat less fast food and cook more myself
Never buy books just to keep on the shelf
Take more direct approach to my own life
Young I'm not getting so scout for the wife

Think more like Christ and watch myself grow
Honour my family and people I know
Read into nothing I'm tired of assumptions
Ease off the web and attend more live functions
Enter my greatness and accept my unction

Try with my efforts and not with my mind
Inspire generations abusing their time
Master my psyche and maintain composure
Engage in battle with soldiers

Travail as if every day was my last day
Obtain high favour in good way

Grouch no more and value my sleep
Realise which friends I am willing to keep
Open my eyes to all options at hand
Walk on cloud 9 because I'm the man

Sunday 11 October 2009

Art Attack

Hello people!

As I said, I want to give you insight into some artwork. Before I do that I thought it would be nice to give you a little history on my art background. My mum told me that from a very young age I was always trying to draw things, especially dinosaurs as they used to fascinate me when I was younger. Both my parents testify that I was hopeless at drawing but like any parent they told me my drawings were good and didn't discourage me from drawing. So I kept drawing and I guess with practice I got much better. By the age of 8 all of my classmates knew me as "the best drawer in the year". This title came about as we were asked to do a book review but I couldn't be bothered to write so I started with drawing the characters from the book, which according to my teacher were "very accurate". Soon after this revelation I was encouraged to join the Arts and Crafts club after school where I was taught to do other types of art but I was primarily interested in sketching.

In year 6, we started having more regular Art classes where I got a chance to show off my skills.
There was a particular day when we were asked to draw portraits of our classmates while they posed outside in the sun. I remember sketching my classmates Sam, Vivian and Billy; this was in 1998 and I've been informed by kids who still attend the primary school that my portraits are still hanging in the headteacher's office 11 years later.

After Primary school I went to Ghana for three years and did not really have many chances to develop my Art as it wasn't really incorporated into my school curriculum but I would do my little sketches in my spare time.

Even when I came back to London I was still 1 dimensional an didn't like the idea of painting because it used to spoil my sketches and the idea of painting straight onto a canvas was not one that appealed to me.

It wasn't until I was about 18 that I actually started to enjoy painting but even now I prefer to use pencil first, hence my paintings take ages but I get satisfaction from seeing it develop slowly. Below you will find my latest finished painting and pictures of most of the development stages.

This piece was a birthday present for a good friend of mine. This is one of my best paintings to date and as I wanted to meet the deadline of her birthday, had to be done in a record 6 days. Just to put that into perspective the other painting that I regard on a par with this one took roughly 150 hours {batman and joker- I was doing the whole of last summer basically}

The theme I chose was "lions and tigers and bears" which I will explain at the end.

As you can see here, I started with a grid on the collage {left of the canvas} and then had to use a bit of maths to convert those dimensions to the grid on the canvas because I wanted to get the proportions as accurate as I could.

Purple was chosen for the background because it's her favourite colour and I thought it would go well with the browns and oranges of the animals and the lady.

I ended up changing my mind about the shades of purple many times as I wanted to blend about 3 different shades of purple and they didn't look right together. Thats why I came up with the idea of the pink strip to see if it would even it out a bit.

It still didn't impress me because the pink was clashing with the purples and didn't look like it belonged there. So I had this ingenious idea to turn it into a clear colour divider and since she plays the piano why not turn it into keys.

At this point I was still trying to get the right colours and make sure it all made sense. I then had an idea of using the Cadbury's shade of purple because she has chocolate skin and I thought that would really bring it out and also compliment the animals lol.

Below you can just see the progression as the picture finally starts to near completion!

I slowly tried to make the pink piano look more white and tried to capture the detail of both the lady and the animals.

The portion sectioned of at the bottom was initially going to be used to write Happy Birthday but then I thought it would be a bit of a waste as it wouldn't be as timeless as I wanted it to be. This is why instead I chose to write "I'M NOT SCARED OF LIONS AND TIGERS AND BEARS" and the reason the cross is there is because I actually made a mistake with the spacing but it works out because she is a Christian!

Voila! Here we have the finished product, a lot of mistakes but overall I like it.... I think I've come a long way :) especially as I couldn't stand painting before.
I'm gonna end, as I said, by telling you why I used this theme:
I chose the theme "lions and tigers and bears" because it's a song she likes and I felt like drawing wild animals lol. However, there is more to it than that. If you observe the finished product carefully you'll realise that there are different two different species of all three animals, one species of each animal has jaws wide open {possibly roaring} and the other seems to lay in wait, stalking it's prey while the lady {a central figure in the painting} just smiles in the face of adversity and danger- a typical characteristic of hers.
Hope you managed to read all of that. I know it is a lot to take in but that's how much effort and thought goes into my paintings!
Until next time,
Peace out!

Thursday 8 October 2009


I know I said this blog would include Art as well but truth is I haven't really had time to finish any of my current art projects or start any new ones. Tomorrow I will post a painting and tell you why I did it and explain all the finer details and hidden metaphors. However, for now I'm gonna leave you with this poem {written last year} as it contains a lot of imagery. Enjoy!

P.S. Lady J is imaginary so don't try and guess who I'm talking about loll


Fine like a pencil tip paintbrush, she adds a crisp edge to the painting
Each stroke of her brush gives me Goosebumps like ‘The Haunted mask’
Tinting my view with her flawless dark skin preserving her diamond personality
And I reserve my writer's license to call her an Artistocrat
But her elegance and class has me flipping like an acrobat
Such finesse leaves me stifled like a smoker's cough
Problem is I'm four years younger, wish I could change the clock
She has no time to burn she's at that courtship stage
But my childish inhibitions will not entertain such thoughts
Though our paths may intersect she's crosses and I'm naught
The link in the chain too hollow to achieve the bonding sought
Lady J's imperial aura like a taizer to my soul
She confused my senses now every other girl looked plain faced
That’s why the only attention to detail in the painting is on Lady J's face
The masterpiece is under construction watch this space.

Thursday 1 October 2009


This coming SUNDAY, THE 4th OF OCTOBER AT 6.30 P.M, There is only ONE PLACE TO BE - NEW LIFE CHRISTIAN CENTRE in CROYDON! There's an event called URBAN LIFE, this is the 3rd installment and the emphasis is on FATHERHOOD as it is ONE OF THE BIGGEST ISSUES FACING THE WORLD right now! ELLE NATURELLE and POETIC SUNSHINE will be sharing the stage with DWAYNE TRYUMF, TUNDAY, LYANNA AUSTIN and the LIFE BAND, and PASTOR EFREM from CALVARY CHAPEL! There will be POETRY, WORSHIP/ SINGING, RAP from a couple of the UK'S FINEST GOSPEL ARTISTS, REAL TALK, TESTIMONIES and FIFA! WOW I can barely contain my EXCITEMENT!!!!!! If you agree that the WORLD NEEDS FATHERING then COME OUT AND SUPPORT THE CAUSE, we ALL HAVE A PART TO PLAY! Oh yeah and it's absolutely FREE, FREE FREE!!!!!!!!