Thursday 3 December 2009

Well Well Well

Followers of my blog- Sorry I have abandoned it for a bit. Newcomers- Welcome. This is my zone, one of my escapes from the more serious things going on around me. Sometimes I use it to rant about the serious things going on in my life.

Today I don't have anything specific to say but just thought I would occupy this space. Sometimes that is all one needs to do in life- occupy a space... Maybe for yourself or maybe for someone else, just to let people know that the space is occupied. Right now I'm at a job only to gain experience and I'm occupying the space of someone else who needs that experience so while I'm there I better make use of it. In the same way, someone may be occupying the space at my next job but when I get there they can't say they didn't get a chance to enjoy the space- it's too late.

There is space everywhere and it is more important than we think it is. There has to be absence before there can be presence. Think about the creator(s) of Facebook and twitter, they identified a space or a gap in the market for extremely powerful networking tools, not only are they useful for social needs but also create opportunities for exposure to large audiences and consequently opportunities for business, careers, etc.

If you are occupying a space you need to seem like you are doing something or you may lose that space and struggle to find another one you can fit into. Don't take things for granted you will be overthrown. I bet Hi5 creators never thought they would lose that niche at the time but how many of you still use Hi5?

I may have gone off on a mad tangent but the point I'm trying to make is OWN YOUR SPACE, claim your territory and constantly look around to see the best ways to maintain that space or take over a better one. Life is too short to be pedestrian, I'd rather be equestrian (as long as I'm not on a high horse). What are you waiting for? Go and claim that space my friends! Go now!!!

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