Tuesday 21 December 2010

The wait.

Human beings... we're a strange bunch. We want everything 'quickfast' as my Dad would put it - notice how there is no gap between quick and fast, it's one word. Similarly people want their lives to be as one sentence that ebbs and flows without any commas or full stops. *insert wry smile* I too sometimes dream in colour.

Dreamers, I hate to break it to you but life hardly pans out like that. Life is a stutterer, and here's the bit that's bound to annoy you - sometimes.... wait for it.... LIFE STUTTERS ON PURPOSE. Yeah, I said it. Life makes you do the one thing that you enjoy least - wait.

How many times, in life's corridor, have you raced through a series of doors only to be halted by one giant one? Coincidence.... I think not? And your first reaction would probably be to force it to open somehow.

We constantly try to force doors open, which only leaves us feeling frustrated. It's funny how easy it is, in those instances, to eliminate the possibility that the door is closed for a reason. How often, when faced with a closed door, would you immediately reason that God is trying to sort things out on the other side of it? I don't know about you but that tends to be my last thought, after I've huffed and I've puffed and all my energy's spent.

So often when our attempts to rush through life are thwarted we are quick to blame Satan. We're so impatient that we jump to conclusions without blinking. Do we ever stop to wonder if we were standing behind the right door in the 1st place?

We have to learn to wait, and while we're waiting, to listen. It might not always be best to just stand behind the door either, you may need to come away from it completely. God doesn't think like us, He might be planning to bring the walls down too but He won't do it unless you step back. He doesn't want to see you hurt. And He definitely doesn't want you walking through a door when you're not yet equipped to deal with whatever's on flipside.

No one ever said it would be easy. Waiting can be tedious and tasking, but it is a character-building exercise all great characters must learn to love. And you cannot race time - it will overlap you, so you might aswell wait for it to come back around.

Besides that, timing is everything to God and He always waits for the opportune time as should we. One day we will live outside the bounds of time but for now He has planned our lives in seasons. We have two choices: Either we try and learn how to interpret the seasons or we ram our heads into the same door over and over - I know which one I'm choosing. In due time you will appreciate that the wait is usually worth more than your weight in gold. When the mosaic that is your life starts to make sense, you will be thankful that some of those doors were initially shut in your face. I know I am.

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