Wednesday 7 April 2010


As jobhunting is boring me to death Today I decided to read something other than job specs - other people's blogs. It's actually quite fascinating because while reading some of them you realise that you're not the only one who's going through a certain phase. Far from it! In fact most of the blogs I've read, spanning from Today to about a month ago, confirm the opposite. It seems that another season is now coinciding with spring- 'THE WHY SEASON'.

This is the time when people feel like it's make or break, whether in terms of their plans for this year, their careers or their studies, a lot of questions are being asked. And those questions are coming from the inside (our own minds), the questions that would frustrate or convict you if other people were to ask them. The questions that you dare not ask your friends in case they ask "and you?"- *Shivers* *Leave me alone, don't watch my life, concentrate on your own- GOSH*. Does that sound like you? Trust me, you are not alone.

I've lost sleep over such issues in a bid to escape funny looks from peers but why should I let other people's status' define mine. Does God not have a plan for each of us? After all we are individuals. I'm not saying we should pretend we feel great and everything's in order but we can try and turn the 'WHYS' into 'HOWS' by being practical. 'WHY' will only hold you back from the change which requires a 'HOW'. All it takes is a little change in mentality to stop looking at where it all went wrong and start focusing on how to make it right.

So HOW I am going to make this work? Well, I'm gonna do my research and ask God to show me the way!

What about you?

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