Thursday 22 April 2010


If you don't know by now that I love SUNSHINE then where have you been and what are you reading? This blog is called 'WORLD OF SUNSHINE', would I invite you into a World that I wasn't completely in love with? What are you like? Have you learnt nothing at all? I talk and I talk but nobody listens- ARRRRGGGH...

*COUGH* Ahem, sorry. I get a bit dramatic sometimes. Can you blame me though? I mean I like having a voice which links nicely to the title of today's blog:


How would you feel if your voice was taken away from you? Some of you are thinking 'I would be fine, I would write, I would use symbolism, I would use hand gestures...'. Well, by voice, I meant freedom of speech and also interpretation. Those of us who live in the modernised Western society have so many different rights and one of those is the right to vote. 'Arggh again with the politics talk' you say? YES, again with the politics talk. The right to vote is your voice, your chance to fight against the things you feel are wrong and support the things you feel are right. Forfeiting your right to vote or voting for a random person without knowing what they're about is effectively putting yourself on mute.

Don't be fooled into thinking that your voice won't be heard because it will, no matter your race or ability, if this is your home (UK) then have your say because the outcome of the election really will affect you. One of the best ways to have your say is to actually go down to a polling station on May 6th (subject to registration) and VOTE! There are however, more radical means as some of you may be aware. There are occassions where Gordon Brown has been ambushed by angry members of the public trying to get their voices heard.

There are some people who cannot actually vote but cannot wait to get their voices heard: As I was writing this I flicked over to BBC2 and there was a program where young people were given the opportunity to voice their opinions and some of them even got a chance to quiz an MP. Now none of them were old enough to vote but they made sure they got their voices heard. The ringleader, of Asian descent, was outraged by the fact that his generation (when they start working and paying tax) will have to bear more financial costs because of mistakes made by the current government. "Why should we have to pay for your mistakes?" he asked the MP in an angry tone. The MP's response was clearly evasive and undermining which the boy was quick to point out "You still don't seem to be answering the question! Why do we have to pay for mistakes we haven't made?" (this was a boy of 14 or 15 years). Evidently the MP had underestimated the youth as a lot of MP's do the public. Don't allow yourself to be underestimated, challenge everything- It's your right!

The future is in your hands, if you have dreams for yourself or your children then make sure they are not ended abruptly by the government.


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