Monday 28 September 2009


The beautiful game- Sorry boys, I'm not talking about football I'm talking about love.
What's that you say? Love is not a game? Well I disagree.... like a lot of games it usually has more than one player. When I say player I don't mean cheat(er); I mean someone who knows the rules of the game (whether they adhere to them or not) and immerse themselves in wave after wave of verbal and psychological contracts with other players, giving to get and getting to give. In other words people who engage in sentimental relationships with the opposite sex {yes that’s right! I said opposite sex- this is not politics}.

Now don’t get me wrong I’m not pretending to be a pundit or an expert on the game by any stretch of the imagination because I’m more inexperienced than most. However, I’ve had the privilege of watching some of the masterminds at work and the rookies too {no names don’t worry}. All I know is that love is nothing like football! Simplistic statement but let me explain: In football, players can have poor games and still score or gain something from the game, in love it seems to be all or nothing. Similarly in love all mistakes can seem incorrigible as they are magnified by emotion whilst in football the grace period is a little longer. That’s why I love football lol!

Having said all that I was referring to sentiment in relationships which can end up anywhere and although an important part of a relationship, thank God it’s not the only part. Like I said I’ve been watching a lot of people in relationships and although every relationship is different there seems to be a lot of common mistakes I can learn from. Note to self:

1. I’ve learnt not to rely on sentiment to make it work {that is 100% dangerous}, there has to be some kind of spiritual attachment as well, hence why relationships should not be rushed into. For me personally I want to be able to connect with my future partner on many plains, especially spiritually and intellectually.

2. Take your time to build friendships even if you’re already in the relationship, constantly assess how well you know the person, compatibility, etc because unfortunately people can change- after all they’re only human.

3. I am a Christian and as such I believe it is absolutely paramount that Christ is at the centre of the relationship, by that I mean that we both should hold Christian values and exercise them so we can build each other up. A Christian home should be like a spiritual gym and we all know how hard it is to maintain fitness.

4. Do not go into a relationship if you’re not sure if you really like the person because a) You’re probably not going to treat them the way they deserve to be treated and b) You’re more likely to rob yourself of potential happiness too.

5. Lastly play by the rules of the game, nobody says it’s easy but when played right it is so incredibly beautiful.

These are my thoughts today! If you disagree or you want to correct me on anything I have said then I would only be too glad to hear your views so let me know.

Selom Sunu- Life student

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Graduate life

Today I randomly saw one of my friends from Kent while I was on my lunchbreak from this temp job I'm doing right now. It seems I'm not the only one who is struggling to get a good permanent job. At first when she told me I was smiling coz I was happy it wasn't just me but this situation is no laughing matter. We were just discussing the different graduate schemes we had applied for and the tests or interviews we had been put through to no great effect. It's a serious matter and honestly it just puts you off looking for a job for a bit coz you're thinking what's the point- The main problem for me is that I am fussy, I don't care what you think of me... I've quit enough times in my life- not this year, i refuse. I want a job that I'll actually like, not just one I show up for every day watching the clock and thinking "7 more hours? are u serious?", "6 and a half more hours? are u sure the clock's working?", "Nah ur taking the mick! I swear an hour ago it was 7 hours left!" I want my job to actually use at least some of my gifts or things that I 've learnt. I know people say a degree just shows that you can work to deadlines and you're disciplined and organised all that jargon (that's why sometimes it doesn't matter what degree you have) but I wanna make use of it or at least use one of my numerous god-given talents.... any clown can do some of the jobs that my fellow peers have taken up just to pay for their Blackberrys (no offence). I'm tired of being any clown I want an arena to use my skills and if no1 is prepared to give me such a job then I'll have to become a freelance something- who's with me?

I'm not just being radical- I'm a strong believer of investing in your passions and putting a lot of effort into them, there are ways to make money out of our passions or jobs that work around our passions we just have to hold out for them! For now I need to stay alive so I'll gather experience where I can but I don't intend to have a long term job that doesn't interest me. Nope, Not Sunu, Never dat!

This is my view, feel free to disagree!

Sunshine signing out -`o -

Monday 21 September 2009


There are options ahead of me, north, east and west
I'm appraching a crossroads do I wanna turn left?
I can't go south that's going back on my word
There's a give way sign but I'm already in third
Need to go back to first so that I can emerge;
victorious at the end of it all
Right hand on the wheel left foot off the floor,
right foot on the gas Lord don't let me stall
As I progress I see curb disappearing
pushing and pulling technique on my steering
How can opposites complement each other? *shrugs*
Its all so confusing, my head is spinning and I'm not even at a roundabout
I'm about to crack but I vowed to myself there's no going back
I need to refill I'm running on empty, I got to a stage I could only do twenty;
nineteen, eighteen.....
Steadily breaking until I'm at the traffic lights waiting....
I wait and I wait...
Is this what it takes?
How many lessons in life and in driving until I get to a stage where I'm cruising or gliding?
It feels like I'm at a Coul-de-sac
Lord give me patience before I start sliding back, down that hill of regret
Take control of the clutch so I don't have to sweat
The light is now green but I can't go yet!

written in summer 08!

Friday 11 September 2009

Apologies to those of you who have read this before but it's just too relevant to certain people's lives right now including my own. I wrote this for all of the recent graduates and those who feel lost in general and do not know how to approach the next phase of their lives. Hope you enjoy it!

My destiny and I are oceans apart

Decisions, decisions
I keep having visions
They start to make sense then they scatter like pigeons

Choices, choices
I keep hearing voices
But then they tune out like engines of Rolls Royces

Connections, connections
How wide is the spectrum?
Is business my thing or for art am I destined?

Confusion, confusion
Is life an illusion?
It doesn’t make sense not to know what I’m choosing

Potential, Potential
I have some credentials
But life can be rough and in contrast I’m gentle

{God speaking}
Voices, voices
You have many choices
But you don’t have a licence why give you Rolls Royces

Bide your time, Bide your time
Coz you’re gonna be fine
Just stay in the dirt for now, 1 day you’ll shine

Devotion, devotion
Don’t act on emotion
Life doesn’t go swimmingly when in the ocean

Stay afloat, stay afloat
Though you fall from the boat
Coz the shore is not far though it seems so remote

Hold my hand, hold my hand
I’ll take you to dry land
Though your legs may be weary I’ll help you to stand

And the voices you hear they will all become clear
And the visions you missed will again reappear
But the choices are still up to you I’m afraid
I will trigger your instinct but you must be brave
And when you are mature you will then understand
All my wonderful ways and my ultimate plan

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Welcome to the World of Sunshine

Come join me in my weird and wonderful sphere
Where water is purple and Supermalt’s clear
And frogs wear spectacles during the summer
Whilst adults ride trolleys and toddlers drive hummers

As strange as it sounds this is my domain
Don’t come with umbrellas coz there is no rain
But yet there are rainbows across the night skies
One more little detail the night sky is white

The night sky is white just like a blank canvas
So we can paint feelings like fear, love and anger
The people are see-through they have no complexion
Like prisms they reflect all hues of the spectrum

In my world there are no stars but the Sun
No big personalities, no heroes unsung
No entry permitted to those with no humour
No gossips allowed in and that is no rumour!

Just ordinary creatures all chasing big dreams
Like playing for orchestras or football teams
So welcome again to my fantasy dome
Please take off your burdens and feel right at home

Hi people I go by the name of Poetic Sunshine those of you who know me will know how random I am so expect more material like this, expect some artwork and from time to time I may vent a bit so I might as well warn you now.

The Sunshine express is now ready to depart, please stand clear of the closing doors. The next station is..... Nobody knows so enjoy the ride.

Hopefully the next entry will be soon

Peace out