Monday 21 September 2009


There are options ahead of me, north, east and west
I'm appraching a crossroads do I wanna turn left?
I can't go south that's going back on my word
There's a give way sign but I'm already in third
Need to go back to first so that I can emerge;
victorious at the end of it all
Right hand on the wheel left foot off the floor,
right foot on the gas Lord don't let me stall
As I progress I see curb disappearing
pushing and pulling technique on my steering
How can opposites complement each other? *shrugs*
Its all so confusing, my head is spinning and I'm not even at a roundabout
I'm about to crack but I vowed to myself there's no going back
I need to refill I'm running on empty, I got to a stage I could only do twenty;
nineteen, eighteen.....
Steadily breaking until I'm at the traffic lights waiting....
I wait and I wait...
Is this what it takes?
How many lessons in life and in driving until I get to a stage where I'm cruising or gliding?
It feels like I'm at a Coul-de-sac
Lord give me patience before I start sliding back, down that hill of regret
Take control of the clutch so I don't have to sweat
The light is now green but I can't go yet!

written in summer 08!

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