Saturday 8 May 2010


Is it just me or does life get harder the easier you try to make it?
Par example:

- I trip over my laces when I tuck them in instead of tying them.
- I get lost when I know how to get somewhere but try to forge a non-existant shortcut.
- My sister gets frustrated guessing the notes of Alicia Keys' songs on the piano (the songsheets are online- read woman!)

Did you see a common factor in the examples above? Yep, you guessed it- LAZINESS!

Don't let anybody fool you;

Laziness Monday x Laziness Tuesday = Laziness 365

And life has no obligation to the lazy ones. In fact, most times, it will laugh at you and spit in your face. Life is a battle, every minute of it, and I have never heard of a lazy warrior (well not one who wasn't slein anyway). The way I see it, laziness is merely a product of over-thinking the effort which you would have to put in to something. More often than not, if one fails to put in the effort initially, one ends up having to put in double effort. #justsaying.

'In trying to cut corners humans go round in circles. Yet going round in circles often drives us round the bend. WHOOPS we're going round again! Someone stop this pointless merry-go-round!'

Life does not have to be a merry-go-round, nor does it have to be a slide for that matter. However, if you sit back and ALLOW life to happen to you, I repeat ALLOW life to happen to you, then it's most likely to feel like a playground apparatus. LIFE IS A BATTLEGROUND not a playground.

If you fail to accept that you must fight your way through it you will lose before drawing a weapon.

Life is your planet and you have to do what you can to defend it and make it better, this obviously does not have to and in fact cannot be done alone which makes the people you trust doubly important (but we'll talk about that another day). Just ask yourself who your fellow warriors are, those who would go with you to the frontline and vice versa.

At the moment I would call my planet Neptune because it is far away from the Sunshine that I imagine but not the furthest it's ever been. My life is seemingly cold right now but not the coldest it's ever been, soon I'll exchange my planet for Earth at the expense of some other warrior. That's just the way it goes...


Name: Selom Sunu

Current Location: Neptune
Status: Fighting for my life and the right to call it mine.


Confession: Most of the time I'm too lazy to blog but still I must BLOG-ON!

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