Monday 24 May 2010


I wrote this poem today. Haven't got much to say about it, read it for yourself... Currently writing another so watch out I may post it tomorrow :)

Bigger Picture


In front of my eyes so I was blind to the


The reason I can’t hear God and why I tend to


Towards the crowd so I’m not seen as a

Nutter (nutter) (nutter)

The truth sounds mad so it’s easier not to


A word about Jesus before people start to


You know how their minds are, always in the


To them it’s garbage but to me it’s bread and





The Word is bread and


Before you start to knock it get your mind out of the


It cannot be contained it’s more like shouting not a


The truth will set you free and then your peace will be

Utter (utter)

You won’t stop smiling like a bona fide


No butterfly effect, no need to


Tidy up your heart and get rid of the


You’ll get the bigger picture if you open up the


Tuesday 18 May 2010


This is a blog for my guys, starts with a poem:

In such times

Beware of your influence
Do not impose your personality on others
In such times
Stay tight-lipped
Or face the backlash of your words
In such times
Your opinion is irrelevant
In such times
In times such as these
Do not make a fool of yourself
Because the world has enough of those
Yes it does
Do not seek to lead
Do not excite others
Or sweet talk a lady that isn’t your lover
Do not call a non-blood your brother
Do not...
Do not not listen to me
If you are granted only two chances to speak a day
Be content
In such times
You do what you’re told
And never look forward for fear of being bold
Just take in deep breaths and hold
In such times the world is cold

Boy: Mum does this mean I can't be a poet?

Do not be silly
You will follow in your late father's footsteps
Your job will be to nod

Whatever a woman says to you, you nod
And do not shake your head
Lest it be mistaken for trembling
And your workload is doubled

Saying no to a woman could end your career
Saying no to a woman is a 'do not' is that clear?

*Boy nods*

A little confusing?

...Yes? .... No?

Before I go on I want you to know that I say everything in a dramatic way, hopefully you'll understand what I'm getting at:

The point I was trying to make is that the future man is not looking too sure of his identity. Allowing women to dictate your moves WILL stifle your dreams. In the poem when I said "You will follow in your late father's footsteps, your job will be to nod" the father is very much alive but without power and therefore he might as well be dead. He ended up handing his strength to the woman like Samson did Delilah. "Stay tight-lipped or face the backlash of your words"- the woman makes all his decisions, she makes him feel as though he needs her to pull him through and on his own he would make a mess, on his own he is lost. I've spoken to many girls that have said things like "Don't you want a girl to help you get to your dream?" No thank you, I need God to help me achieve dreams, not a woman, that's where people make the mistake. Before they even realise it they become reliant on women for everything.

The book I'm reading at the moment puts it in a way that I hate to think of it but the gist of it was 'For a long time men have been replacing God with women!' *SHOCK HORROR I KNOW!* I totally agree with it as well, although no one likes to be seen as worshipping women that's what men have been doing since Adam fell and it's only getting worse.

The example given was that for men women are the closest thing to God. Think about it, they were formed out of man and both were formed in God's image. A man easily gets caught up in the mystery of a woman when he's really looking to solve the mystery of God. We go to women for comfort, support and in the worst case scenario, which happens most often, we go to the woman to tell us we are men. In other words we let the woman shape us... KAI, I don't know about you but I don't want any woman to shape me, NO SIR!

I want to shape myself (with a huge helping hand from God (and my friends))!

Same goes for ladies- don't allow a man to be your whole life or your world will crumble like digestive biscuits being readied for lemon cheesecake.

We need to go back to basics. We need to start going back to God for answers, for comfort, for support. We need to forge deeper relationships with our families, we share genes and surnames why can't we share life issues? We need to make use of the same sex friends around us, they should be able to understand us right?

These are just my thoughts anyway I wrote this blog for me as much as anyone else

Disjointed thoughts, incomplete sentences and one-sided arguments, sounds a lot like life....


Saturday 15 May 2010


Oh yes they do, I can bear witness. I don't know how many lifelines my team were handed this end of the season to remain in this league, yet every week a similar story- People go home crying (well with sad faces anyway) but Today, on Saturday the 15th of May 2010, we went home smiling.

Why? Simply because this was our very last lifeline and we took it. We went out on that pitch knowing we needed 1 measly point to stay in the top Division, just one point... Problem was the team we were playing had a fierce reputation and we knew that if we were to have a chance of getting that point there would have to be blood shed in the process (I've only got a little graze on my knee but it was bleeding nonetheless).

I'm not gonnna give you a whole match analysis but this is the blurb:

They scored first, a soft goal to say the least, we were doomed!

I scored to equalise from a corner (I smashed it angrily after some neat control)

There were battles all over the field after that, most of the verbal, tempers were flaring, players sprouting grey hairs, fans willing us on... and then....


Time and sound were suspended as a beautiful through ball was put through to me by Bradderz. I got the ball under control, looked up at the oncoming keeper and effortlessly slotted it past him. The silence of his puzzled expression broken only by the roaring of my team-mates and all associated with New Life. Epic moments I tell you, Avatar wasn't as dramatic as this.

As good as it felt to be 2-1 up there were still about 18 minutes on the clock. Too long to relax, too long to even think of being complacent, or so we thought, but a lapse in concentration 13 minutes later saw us level again. Another soft goal which felt like a dagger piercing through the hearts of all 11 lions on the pitch.

Chances were missed, bodies were battered and these things play in your mind all the more when you are not winning. My brain began to tell my legs they were tired, my hips began to crumble under me, my vision was blurred but I didn't need to see because I could hear and the next thing I heard was music to my ears....

Yep you guessed it, the final whistle! Oh what a feeling, no on gave us a chance, people only saw darkness ahead, the darkness of the lower division, but my team and I rose above. We conquered. We fought. We injected New Life into New Life Football Team.

We found our form when it mattered, I found my form when it mattered.

The result- We llive to fight another season in the top flight.


Friday 14 May 2010


Don't you just hate awkward silences? (0_0)       (tick tock, tick tock)  
Yeah, that was awkward *shivers*. So many times when I was at Uni the Seminar leaders would ask questions that at least half the class could have answered but they never did. There was this particular teacher who would scan the room for my face and gesture as if to say 'Rescue me please, this silence is awkward', and most of the time I would do, even if I was chatting utter rubbish, it was better than the silence. All silence did was make things awkward *shivers*and encourage time to slow down. Sometimes after the seminar he would say "Thanks for that. Why don't the others talk? Are they shy? Are they clueless?", to which I usually responded with a shrug.

Similar things happen in church. A pastor will say something like "Praise God Jesus died for sinners!" expecting everyone to respond with a "Hallelujah" or an "Amen" but what he usually receives is somewhat reluctant groans which in the vastness of the building sounds just like awkard silence. People look at each other as if to say "I ain't no sinner, are you?". It's quite comical really because the same people who are silent when questions are asked are the same people talking very audibly, without remorse, when the pastor is actually expecting a bit of silence. Why do we talk when we're supposed to be quiet and refuse to talk when required to?

Oh oh, my personal favourite- Surprise parties. Yeah right? Is it ever a surprise? I mean really. People "whisper" at the top of their lungs when the birthday boy/girl is supposed to be outside the door.

Exhibit A: *cue shouting* "Sssssh, ssssshhh, SHUT UP! What's wrong with you black people? Can't you keep quiet? Gosh! You're getting me mad, just SHUT UP! She's on thee road didn't you hear?"

Yep, round of applause that was really discreet, you made everybody laugh and it's common knowledge that laughter is the most quiet noise on Earth.

Don't get me wrong I find it hilarious, I mean what would a surprise party be without those who didn't give a hoot? I was merely wondering why?

These are the things on Sunshine's mind today.

Until next time...


Saturday 8 May 2010


Is it just me or does life get harder the easier you try to make it?
Par example:

- I trip over my laces when I tuck them in instead of tying them.
- I get lost when I know how to get somewhere but try to forge a non-existant shortcut.
- My sister gets frustrated guessing the notes of Alicia Keys' songs on the piano (the songsheets are online- read woman!)

Did you see a common factor in the examples above? Yep, you guessed it- LAZINESS!

Don't let anybody fool you;

Laziness Monday x Laziness Tuesday = Laziness 365

And life has no obligation to the lazy ones. In fact, most times, it will laugh at you and spit in your face. Life is a battle, every minute of it, and I have never heard of a lazy warrior (well not one who wasn't slein anyway). The way I see it, laziness is merely a product of over-thinking the effort which you would have to put in to something. More often than not, if one fails to put in the effort initially, one ends up having to put in double effort. #justsaying.

'In trying to cut corners humans go round in circles. Yet going round in circles often drives us round the bend. WHOOPS we're going round again! Someone stop this pointless merry-go-round!'

Life does not have to be a merry-go-round, nor does it have to be a slide for that matter. However, if you sit back and ALLOW life to happen to you, I repeat ALLOW life to happen to you, then it's most likely to feel like a playground apparatus. LIFE IS A BATTLEGROUND not a playground.

If you fail to accept that you must fight your way through it you will lose before drawing a weapon.

Life is your planet and you have to do what you can to defend it and make it better, this obviously does not have to and in fact cannot be done alone which makes the people you trust doubly important (but we'll talk about that another day). Just ask yourself who your fellow warriors are, those who would go with you to the frontline and vice versa.

At the moment I would call my planet Neptune because it is far away from the Sunshine that I imagine but not the furthest it's ever been. My life is seemingly cold right now but not the coldest it's ever been, soon I'll exchange my planet for Earth at the expense of some other warrior. That's just the way it goes...


Name: Selom Sunu

Current Location: Neptune
Status: Fighting for my life and the right to call it mine.


Confession: Most of the time I'm too lazy to blog but still I must BLOG-ON!