Saturday 15 May 2010


Oh yes they do, I can bear witness. I don't know how many lifelines my team were handed this end of the season to remain in this league, yet every week a similar story- People go home crying (well with sad faces anyway) but Today, on Saturday the 15th of May 2010, we went home smiling.

Why? Simply because this was our very last lifeline and we took it. We went out on that pitch knowing we needed 1 measly point to stay in the top Division, just one point... Problem was the team we were playing had a fierce reputation and we knew that if we were to have a chance of getting that point there would have to be blood shed in the process (I've only got a little graze on my knee but it was bleeding nonetheless).

I'm not gonnna give you a whole match analysis but this is the blurb:

They scored first, a soft goal to say the least, we were doomed!

I scored to equalise from a corner (I smashed it angrily after some neat control)

There were battles all over the field after that, most of the verbal, tempers were flaring, players sprouting grey hairs, fans willing us on... and then....


Time and sound were suspended as a beautiful through ball was put through to me by Bradderz. I got the ball under control, looked up at the oncoming keeper and effortlessly slotted it past him. The silence of his puzzled expression broken only by the roaring of my team-mates and all associated with New Life. Epic moments I tell you, Avatar wasn't as dramatic as this.

As good as it felt to be 2-1 up there were still about 18 minutes on the clock. Too long to relax, too long to even think of being complacent, or so we thought, but a lapse in concentration 13 minutes later saw us level again. Another soft goal which felt like a dagger piercing through the hearts of all 11 lions on the pitch.

Chances were missed, bodies were battered and these things play in your mind all the more when you are not winning. My brain began to tell my legs they were tired, my hips began to crumble under me, my vision was blurred but I didn't need to see because I could hear and the next thing I heard was music to my ears....

Yep you guessed it, the final whistle! Oh what a feeling, no on gave us a chance, people only saw darkness ahead, the darkness of the lower division, but my team and I rose above. We conquered. We fought. We injected New Life into New Life Football Team.

We found our form when it mattered, I found my form when it mattered.

The result- We llive to fight another season in the top flight.


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