Friday 14 May 2010


Don't you just hate awkward silences? (0_0)       (tick tock, tick tock)  
Yeah, that was awkward *shivers*. So many times when I was at Uni the Seminar leaders would ask questions that at least half the class could have answered but they never did. There was this particular teacher who would scan the room for my face and gesture as if to say 'Rescue me please, this silence is awkward', and most of the time I would do, even if I was chatting utter rubbish, it was better than the silence. All silence did was make things awkward *shivers*and encourage time to slow down. Sometimes after the seminar he would say "Thanks for that. Why don't the others talk? Are they shy? Are they clueless?", to which I usually responded with a shrug.

Similar things happen in church. A pastor will say something like "Praise God Jesus died for sinners!" expecting everyone to respond with a "Hallelujah" or an "Amen" but what he usually receives is somewhat reluctant groans which in the vastness of the building sounds just like awkard silence. People look at each other as if to say "I ain't no sinner, are you?". It's quite comical really because the same people who are silent when questions are asked are the same people talking very audibly, without remorse, when the pastor is actually expecting a bit of silence. Why do we talk when we're supposed to be quiet and refuse to talk when required to?

Oh oh, my personal favourite- Surprise parties. Yeah right? Is it ever a surprise? I mean really. People "whisper" at the top of their lungs when the birthday boy/girl is supposed to be outside the door.

Exhibit A: *cue shouting* "Sssssh, ssssshhh, SHUT UP! What's wrong with you black people? Can't you keep quiet? Gosh! You're getting me mad, just SHUT UP! She's on thee road didn't you hear?"

Yep, round of applause that was really discreet, you made everybody laugh and it's common knowledge that laughter is the most quiet noise on Earth.

Don't get me wrong I find it hilarious, I mean what would a surprise party be without those who didn't give a hoot? I was merely wondering why?

These are the things on Sunshine's mind today.

Until next time...


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