Tuesday 18 May 2010


This is a blog for my guys, starts with a poem:

In such times

Beware of your influence
Do not impose your personality on others
In such times
Stay tight-lipped
Or face the backlash of your words
In such times
Your opinion is irrelevant
In such times
In times such as these
Do not make a fool of yourself
Because the world has enough of those
Yes it does
Do not seek to lead
Do not excite others
Or sweet talk a lady that isn’t your lover
Do not call a non-blood your brother
Do not...
Do not not listen to me
If you are granted only two chances to speak a day
Be content
In such times
You do what you’re told
And never look forward for fear of being bold
Just take in deep breaths and hold
In such times the world is cold

Boy: Mum does this mean I can't be a poet?

Do not be silly
You will follow in your late father's footsteps
Your job will be to nod

Whatever a woman says to you, you nod
And do not shake your head
Lest it be mistaken for trembling
And your workload is doubled

Saying no to a woman could end your career
Saying no to a woman is a 'do not' is that clear?

*Boy nods*

A little confusing?

...Yes? .... No?

Before I go on I want you to know that I say everything in a dramatic way, hopefully you'll understand what I'm getting at:

The point I was trying to make is that the future man is not looking too sure of his identity. Allowing women to dictate your moves WILL stifle your dreams. In the poem when I said "You will follow in your late father's footsteps, your job will be to nod" the father is very much alive but without power and therefore he might as well be dead. He ended up handing his strength to the woman like Samson did Delilah. "Stay tight-lipped or face the backlash of your words"- the woman makes all his decisions, she makes him feel as though he needs her to pull him through and on his own he would make a mess, on his own he is lost. I've spoken to many girls that have said things like "Don't you want a girl to help you get to your dream?" No thank you, I need God to help me achieve dreams, not a woman, that's where people make the mistake. Before they even realise it they become reliant on women for everything.

The book I'm reading at the moment puts it in a way that I hate to think of it but the gist of it was 'For a long time men have been replacing God with women!' *SHOCK HORROR I KNOW!* I totally agree with it as well, although no one likes to be seen as worshipping women that's what men have been doing since Adam fell and it's only getting worse.

The example given was that for men women are the closest thing to God. Think about it, they were formed out of man and both were formed in God's image. A man easily gets caught up in the mystery of a woman when he's really looking to solve the mystery of God. We go to women for comfort, support and in the worst case scenario, which happens most often, we go to the woman to tell us we are men. In other words we let the woman shape us... KAI, I don't know about you but I don't want any woman to shape me, NO SIR!

I want to shape myself (with a huge helping hand from God (and my friends))!

Same goes for ladies- don't allow a man to be your whole life or your world will crumble like digestive biscuits being readied for lemon cheesecake.

We need to go back to basics. We need to start going back to God for answers, for comfort, for support. We need to forge deeper relationships with our families, we share genes and surnames why can't we share life issues? We need to make use of the same sex friends around us, they should be able to understand us right?

These are just my thoughts anyway I wrote this blog for me as much as anyone else

Disjointed thoughts, incomplete sentences and one-sided arguments, sounds a lot like life....


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