Tuesday, 21 December 2010

The wait.

Human beings... we're a strange bunch. We want everything 'quickfast' as my Dad would put it - notice how there is no gap between quick and fast, it's one word. Similarly people want their lives to be as one sentence that ebbs and flows without any commas or full stops. *insert wry smile* I too sometimes dream in colour.

Dreamers, I hate to break it to you but life hardly pans out like that. Life is a stutterer, and here's the bit that's bound to annoy you - sometimes.... wait for it.... LIFE STUTTERS ON PURPOSE. Yeah, I said it. Life makes you do the one thing that you enjoy least - wait.

How many times, in life's corridor, have you raced through a series of doors only to be halted by one giant one? Coincidence.... I think not? And your first reaction would probably be to force it to open somehow.

We constantly try to force doors open, which only leaves us feeling frustrated. It's funny how easy it is, in those instances, to eliminate the possibility that the door is closed for a reason. How often, when faced with a closed door, would you immediately reason that God is trying to sort things out on the other side of it? I don't know about you but that tends to be my last thought, after I've huffed and I've puffed and all my energy's spent.

So often when our attempts to rush through life are thwarted we are quick to blame Satan. We're so impatient that we jump to conclusions without blinking. Do we ever stop to wonder if we were standing behind the right door in the 1st place?

We have to learn to wait, and while we're waiting, to listen. It might not always be best to just stand behind the door either, you may need to come away from it completely. God doesn't think like us, He might be planning to bring the walls down too but He won't do it unless you step back. He doesn't want to see you hurt. And He definitely doesn't want you walking through a door when you're not yet equipped to deal with whatever's on flipside.

No one ever said it would be easy. Waiting can be tedious and tasking, but it is a character-building exercise all great characters must learn to love. And you cannot race time - it will overlap you, so you might aswell wait for it to come back around.

Besides that, timing is everything to God and He always waits for the opportune time as should we. One day we will live outside the bounds of time but for now He has planned our lives in seasons. We have two choices: Either we try and learn how to interpret the seasons or we ram our heads into the same door over and over - I know which one I'm choosing. In due time you will appreciate that the wait is usually worth more than your weight in gold. When the mosaic that is your life starts to make sense, you will be thankful that some of those doors were initially shut in your face. I know I am.

Friday, 5 November 2010


From a very young age I was quite adventurous. I tried a lot of different activities, I had a lot of different dreams, I was not afraid of change. I taught myself to adapt to things quickly, which was just as well, as that quality has come in handy on several occasions.

Throughout my life I have had to resettle as soon as I was settled. For example, I went to 4 different Primary schools, 2 Secondary schools and 2 colleges. As I said, it's just as well I'm someone who can adapt easily.

However, for me, the ability to adapt also came with the inability to commit. An inability that, in hindsight, has cost me dearly. You see, because of past experiences, in the back of my mind I always feel that I'll probably have to move on anyway. This frame of mind results in me refusing to put my all into things. 'Don't commit. Always keep your options open, never show too much interest in one thing. Save yourself some hurt'. That's how I've lived the majority of my life and probably why I often find it hard to complete things, or get into habits and patterns in the first place. Everythin with me has to be open-ended. Nothing is ever set-in-stone.

The more I've analysed myself, the clearer it has become. It's like a bad habit. It is a bad habit. It is, however, a habit that I am much more aware of, and one that I have been addressing.

I've also noticed a pattern in this bad habit. Senseless as it may seem, the things in front of me are harder to commit to than those that are out of my reach.


It's easy to say that if you had a certain job you wouldn't want to quit, when your perception of your job is warped by that same fantasy.

Commit to what you can, right now, and be content with it, you may be surprised at the results. Since I've started putting my heart into things I feel a lot better for it. I'm tired of being a 'Half-way man'. I'm sick of how easy it is to detach myself from my 'commitments'. When nothng is at risk, when there is no emotional attachment, where does the motivation come from?

The same emotions I wouldn't dream of putting into my commitments have now become my chauffeur.

I've challenged myslef, and now here's my challenge to you:

Go and search yourself and find all the things you need to commit to and commit to them. Whatever happens, at least you'll know you gave it your all. That's all it takes.

Friday, 15 October 2010


As time goes on I'm meeting more and more people who now consider marriage a swear word. If that's you, I don't usually swear, forgive me.

In some instances talk of marriage has gotten me scowls, 'ewwwws' and 'yucks'. I wasn't talking about it in relation to me by the way, just generally. A girl posted a tweet which made me question whether she ever wanted to get married. Turns out she's one of the 'yuckers'. Somewhere along the way the image of marriage in some peoples' heads has been tarnished to look more like a curse than a blessing.

Well, I have grown up having a fantastic image of marriage (I don't care if fantastic comes from fantasy). I've witnessed via my parents and others how beautiful it can be. It doesn't all have to be stress and restrictions as is the view seemingly in fashion now. Everything in life takes effort, sometimes you don't feel the effort because you enjoy doing certain things or you're just used to them, but effort is being put in regardless.

I had a conversation with a friend who said this: "Both being in a relationship and being single are hard". So true but it made me laugh because it sounded like she wasn't sure if she wanted to be either right now. Maybe this is the view of these 'ewwwers' and 'yuckers', I don't know, just simulating. You can only be one or the other. Some people have told me that they don't want to get married but they do want to live with their partner. To me this makes no sense *shrugs*.

Anyway, bottom line is my parents have proved to me that marriage is not in vain. It can work, it does work. Tomorrow they will be having a party to celebrate 25 years of marriage. I take my hat off to them. If I have a marriage anything like theirs I'll be a blessed man. (Not that I'm not a blessed man now of course :D).

Marriage is the way forward whether you like it or yes.



Lately I have been hearing/ reading/ seeing a lot about thinking and speaking positively and feeling good about yourself. These things made me obtusely aware of something. It seems that the more I've tried to encourage myself the worse I've ended up feeling. I realise now that I've been doing it the wrong way. The problem is I've been trying to encourage MYSELF. My opinion of myself is always going to be skewed one way or another because it's my opinion. One point of view. It gives me steam for a little bit and then the engine just stops dead in its tracks.

What am I saying? That I should rely on my friends to encourage me? Not even. That's even more dangerous than relying on me to encourage me because a day will come when the compliment tap will stop running. And it even when it is running it still doesn't fill the void. Feeling confident in yourself is not to be mistaken with ego trips. I believe the ability to feel good about yourself comes from humility and not pride. Think about it. Pride makes you look to yourself for strength. The weight of supposed expectation is what makes you think about yourself in a negative light in the first place. If you were able to see beyond yourself as a competitor of everyone else then it I think it would become easier to feel good about yourself.

I believe we have been offered a relief in the form of a relationship with God who does not discriminate against anyone. The God who gives everyone a fair chance to feel accepted. If we were able to fully accept this fact and keep it in mind we would probably spend more time with God. Who doesn't want to spend time with someone who loves them for who they are? Someone who sees them as a champion? God wants us to rely on Him for encouragement, reassurance. He wants to be the one you ask 'can I really do this?' because in truth only He knows. That's why Matthew 6:33 says:

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

If we seek God we will find EVERYTHING we're looking for. Our life has no choice but to fall into place. But knowing this, why is it easier to seek everything first and then look for God? A question I am still asking myself. All I know now is that life is bigger than I but it's not bigger than God. I trust that I am whatever he says I am.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010


If Christians were relying on their own ability to obey God's Word, it would be a great struggle. However, many Christians are; without even realising it. And I'm one of them.

Everytime I think that I have grasped the meaning of my salvation, a deeper (or more true) understanding comes to blow the other one away. It's only in the past month or so that I've noticed what I've been doing. For some reason, I've been beating myself up and trying to justify my actions as if I have the power to combat sin. (Did you see what I did just there? Beating MYSELF up- combatting SIN... Get it? Get it? Never mind- you will!). If I did have the power to combat sin, why would I need a Saviour in Jesus? Why would God send His Son to take responsibility for my sins? Surely, when ever I sinned I would just make excuses in a bid to explain why I sinned.

Do you see how silly that last sentence is? I dare you to read it out loud, it sounds even more stupid!

Anyway, I digress. What I'm trying to say is that we are humans, i.e. flesh is a part of us. The flesh cannot fight spiritual battles such as the temptation to sin. Exhibit A:

Romans 7:18~

"For I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out."

verse 19 goes on to say:

"For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing."

Now, I don't know about you but if I don't want to do something, I wouldn't keep on doing it. However, in this circumstance it is clear that something else is causing Paul, the author of Romans, to go against all reason- It's a negative spiritual influence.

Let's skip to verse 22:

"For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members."

This goes to show that no matter how hard WE try WE cannot justify ourselves because a sinful nature has lived within all humans since Adam and Eve disobeyed God.

The only way we are justified and made holy and acceptable before God is through the Holy Spirit of His Son, Jesus Christ, in whom there is life, and through whom we escape the wages of sin, which is death.

Romans 8:3-5 ~

"For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit"

Galatians 5:16 ~

"So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature."

It's walking in the Spirit that will validate Christ's atonement for our sin. Although He has atoned for every sin ever committed, being committed right now, and yet to be committed; it's up to you to accept that gift with both hands by walking in the Spirit.

What does it mean to 'walk in the Spirit'?

To walk in the Spirit is to desire God and live your life based on His word AND guidance from the Holy Spirit. The more time you spend seeking God, i.e. reading the Bible, praying; the more you will understand what the Spirit wants you to do. And if you are doing what the Spirit wants you to do, then naturally, you will exhibit the fruit of the Spirit:

Galatians 5:22 and 23 ~

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."

There may be some people reading this who want to know more about Christ, or want to become Christians but have been putting it off because you 'want to be clean first'. I hope what you have read so far has given you the confidence to come as you are. If not, how about this?

Romans 8:1 and 2 ~

"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death."

Don't worry about what you've heard about what other Christians do, or the way they judge others. That's for them and God to resolve. You just come as you are- there is no other way. Don't think you're being a hypocrite. You can NEVER make yourself clean . It is CHRIST who CLEANSES YOU and then calls you brother or sister. You become a child of God:

Romans 8:14 ~

"For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

verses 16-17 say:

"The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs- heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with Him in order that we may also be glorified with Him."

The suffering that is referred to is the constant battle against the flesh. It will intensify as you get closer to God, I can't lie to you, but no good thing in life comes without a struggle- this is also true of ETERNAL LIFE. These are the promises that await you when you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and start walking in the Spirit. So what are waiting for? Claim your inheritance!

For my Christian readers, I hope that this has challenged your concept of salvation in some way. Keep trusting in God and not in man, especially not yourself because your flesh is an enemy of God, and Satan knows that, that is why he uses it against you on a daily basis. Your strength comes from Christ. Don't ever forget that.

Shalom (Peace).

Thursday, 26 August 2010


Hey fellow Sunshine citizens, it's been a long time I know, if you were having to pay a suscription fee you would all have cancelled your direct debits. Forgive me, but today I've been convicted to write a blog (a friend of mine has started 1 lol).

There's something theraputic about writing, even if it's utter rubbish it just makes me feel a certain way. Have you ever got goosebumps from a book? The actual goosebumps series doesn't count by the way. I would love my writing to make people shiver but there's probably an art to it.

The art of writing reminds me of dance in the way both are judged. Dance audiences expect a lot in terms of composition, they want it to be sharp, seamless and succinct, but at the same time expect an element of freedom. You have to let loose but somehow keep definition, it's a very hard skill I pressume. I can confess that I've never been taught how to dance and don't know much about it but I love trying different styles so here I go. Loose but composed (I think (or hope)):


All things un-seamed
semi-curse words
like maybe
or likely

How about slightly?
might be
the worst of the lot
might as well
bite me

of the highest degree
climbing society
like it was a tree

Spreading like viruses
on a PC
I'm not immune
no I'm talking to me

'Can't you decide man?
left or the right man?
Decisions taking up
all of your life span'

Scared of my life man
don't know if I can
muster up courage
to become a ‘kite man’

Soaring above land
and diving in seas?
sounds like the life man
for you and not me

I'm cool right here
where I still feel the heat
coz what I'm unsure of
is uncertainty

Not sure if I can
venture off dry land
swim in the ocean?
Bruv, am I a merman?

Don't know what's out there
naked and laid bare
that's how I'll feel
when I realise I can't stand

And sky is to bird
as the land is to man
if you reason verbally
you’ll understand

But how can you reason
when you’re on cloud 9?
The fact that you numbered them
means you have time

Too much time really
when time’s in decline
And I can see clearly
You don’t value life

Spend your time dreaming
when dreams are misleading
illusions you’re breeding
they fill up your mind

You should try my trick
and fill it with worries
you’ll only be crippled
the rest of your life

All things surrounding
uncertain ambitions
should sound the alarm bells
so wake up in time

Or uncertainty
of the highest degree
will climb up society
like it’s a tree

Then spread like a virus
on every PC
no I'm not immune
so I'm talking to me!

Thursday, 29 July 2010


We all have fears but we have not been given a Spirit of fear. Why fear life when life is short? And in Matthew 6:27 Jesus is telling us not to worry and asks "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (NIV); some manuscripts say "Which of you by worrying can add a single cubit to his stature?"- In other words, worrying is futile. God gives and God takes away so give your heart to Him so that He can take away all fear and help you to live a victorious life.

How does He do that? Well, He can only do that if you allow Him to by increasing your faith and this can only be done by spending time with Him both in prayer and reading the Word of God in order to get to know more about the nature of God.

There is no substitute for the presence of God. It is like a bright healing chamber where all the pain that was clutching to you in the forrm of the flesh is peeled away and your spirit is exposed to the light and renewed filling you with an inner peace. This is the reason you should not forsake your 'quiet-time' or time spent with God, reflecting, meditating. Now is the time to pray harder than ever and not to shy away from reading the word but make a habit of meditating on it and doing what it says (Joshua 1:8).

You may have heard statements similar to the followiing a number of times but it remains true and something must be done to change it. It seems that many people who call themselves Christians focus more on what they shouldn't be doing than what they should be doing as children of God and we tell others what not to do as well as forcing religion on ourselves. This can sometimes have adverse effects as we could pile on excess pressure and make ourselves/ other people feel inadequate when God hasn't said so. For example, a friend of mine recently told me that she grew up believing she was clumsy. She recalled a couple of occassions when her dad would be watching her as she was carrying plates and say something along the lines of 'Don't drop them, make sure you don't drop them!' What do you think is the most likely outcome? It's like when someone is about to take a penalty and someone shouts to them 'No pressure'- that's the exact instance when the pressure is likely to kick in. She dropped the plates. Obviously she didn't want to drop them but the words were probably echoing in her head and she soon cracked under the pressure.

Don't get me wrong I'm not suggesting that in your Christian walk will feel no pressure whatsoever or that should ignore the warnings about sin, but I do feel we succumb to pressure from other people, not even just Christians, as a substitute for conviction by the Spirit. And if we call ourselves Christians then we should be convicted by the Holy Spirit. The Word clearly emphasises that if we walk by the Spirit then we will not gratify the desires of the flesh. It's not a complicated principle but evidently not as simple to actually live by. We were not created to live in fear, we were created to feel a level of freedom and boldness that comes from having relationship with God. And believe me He craves a relationship with us, why else would He want us to call Him Abba Father?

About 2010 years ago Jesus died for all our sins and gave us absolute access to the same power and authority He had when He was on Earth. Subsequently it has become clear through the scriptures that the key to having a true relationship with God is accepting this fact. I used to find it hard to believe that Jesus was fully man because of how brave He came across. Now that I have studied the Word for myself I see that His bravery was as a result of His relationship with His Heavenly Father. There are instances recorded in the gospels which prove that He definitely felt fear and anxiety, however, He knew they could be overcome by prayer.

Prayer, by the way, is both talking to AND listening to God. The listening part is often omitted in our society today where there is a tendency to rush through our prayers in order to busy ourselves with other things. Often much less important things that we make a habit of doing whether they add to our lives or not. By failing to recognise prayer as THE priority we could easily set ourselves up to lead sheltered lives. We don't have to lead sheltered lives, we were made for greater things. We are sons and daughters of God and co-heirs with Christ, OUR FATHER MADE THE WORLD, we have a responsibility to live up to our names and also to look after the world.

Our lives are not just ours, We have no idea how many people are depending on us to live at God's intended level for our lives, both as individuals and as a generation, so that we can be blessing to their lives. If we fully realised how many opportunities we have compared with others I think we would have a change in attitude. When I think about third world countries I think about the fact that in a number of cases the people have big dreams but little access to resources, whereas in the Western world especially, we usually have access to a lot more resources but suffer from fear of dreaming big. We have the power to do a lot more than we are and have been doing. We have to stand up, We have to stand out.


Monday, 24 May 2010


I wrote this poem today. Haven't got much to say about it, read it for yourself... Currently writing another so watch out I may post it tomorrow :)

Bigger Picture


In front of my eyes so I was blind to the


The reason I can’t hear God and why I tend to


Towards the crowd so I’m not seen as a

Nutter (nutter) (nutter)

The truth sounds mad so it’s easier not to


A word about Jesus before people start to


You know how their minds are, always in the


To them it’s garbage but to me it’s bread and





The Word is bread and


Before you start to knock it get your mind out of the


It cannot be contained it’s more like shouting not a


The truth will set you free and then your peace will be

Utter (utter)

You won’t stop smiling like a bona fide


No butterfly effect, no need to


Tidy up your heart and get rid of the


You’ll get the bigger picture if you open up the


Tuesday, 18 May 2010


This is a blog for my guys, starts with a poem:

In such times

Beware of your influence
Do not impose your personality on others
In such times
Stay tight-lipped
Or face the backlash of your words
In such times
Your opinion is irrelevant
In such times
In times such as these
Do not make a fool of yourself
Because the world has enough of those
Yes it does
Do not seek to lead
Do not excite others
Or sweet talk a lady that isn’t your lover
Do not call a non-blood your brother
Do not...
Do not not listen to me
If you are granted only two chances to speak a day
Be content
In such times
You do what you’re told
And never look forward for fear of being bold
Just take in deep breaths and hold
In such times the world is cold

Boy: Mum does this mean I can't be a poet?

Do not be silly
You will follow in your late father's footsteps
Your job will be to nod

Whatever a woman says to you, you nod
And do not shake your head
Lest it be mistaken for trembling
And your workload is doubled

Saying no to a woman could end your career
Saying no to a woman is a 'do not' is that clear?

*Boy nods*

A little confusing?

...Yes? .... No?

Before I go on I want you to know that I say everything in a dramatic way, hopefully you'll understand what I'm getting at:

The point I was trying to make is that the future man is not looking too sure of his identity. Allowing women to dictate your moves WILL stifle your dreams. In the poem when I said "You will follow in your late father's footsteps, your job will be to nod" the father is very much alive but without power and therefore he might as well be dead. He ended up handing his strength to the woman like Samson did Delilah. "Stay tight-lipped or face the backlash of your words"- the woman makes all his decisions, she makes him feel as though he needs her to pull him through and on his own he would make a mess, on his own he is lost. I've spoken to many girls that have said things like "Don't you want a girl to help you get to your dream?" No thank you, I need God to help me achieve dreams, not a woman, that's where people make the mistake. Before they even realise it they become reliant on women for everything.

The book I'm reading at the moment puts it in a way that I hate to think of it but the gist of it was 'For a long time men have been replacing God with women!' *SHOCK HORROR I KNOW!* I totally agree with it as well, although no one likes to be seen as worshipping women that's what men have been doing since Adam fell and it's only getting worse.

The example given was that for men women are the closest thing to God. Think about it, they were formed out of man and both were formed in God's image. A man easily gets caught up in the mystery of a woman when he's really looking to solve the mystery of God. We go to women for comfort, support and in the worst case scenario, which happens most often, we go to the woman to tell us we are men. In other words we let the woman shape us... KAI, I don't know about you but I don't want any woman to shape me, NO SIR!

I want to shape myself (with a huge helping hand from God (and my friends))!

Same goes for ladies- don't allow a man to be your whole life or your world will crumble like digestive biscuits being readied for lemon cheesecake.

We need to go back to basics. We need to start going back to God for answers, for comfort, for support. We need to forge deeper relationships with our families, we share genes and surnames why can't we share life issues? We need to make use of the same sex friends around us, they should be able to understand us right?

These are just my thoughts anyway I wrote this blog for me as much as anyone else

Disjointed thoughts, incomplete sentences and one-sided arguments, sounds a lot like life....


Saturday, 15 May 2010


Oh yes they do, I can bear witness. I don't know how many lifelines my team were handed this end of the season to remain in this league, yet every week a similar story- People go home crying (well with sad faces anyway) but Today, on Saturday the 15th of May 2010, we went home smiling.

Why? Simply because this was our very last lifeline and we took it. We went out on that pitch knowing we needed 1 measly point to stay in the top Division, just one point... Problem was the team we were playing had a fierce reputation and we knew that if we were to have a chance of getting that point there would have to be blood shed in the process (I've only got a little graze on my knee but it was bleeding nonetheless).

I'm not gonnna give you a whole match analysis but this is the blurb:

They scored first, a soft goal to say the least, we were doomed!

I scored to equalise from a corner (I smashed it angrily after some neat control)

There were battles all over the field after that, most of the verbal, tempers were flaring, players sprouting grey hairs, fans willing us on... and then....


Time and sound were suspended as a beautiful through ball was put through to me by Bradderz. I got the ball under control, looked up at the oncoming keeper and effortlessly slotted it past him. The silence of his puzzled expression broken only by the roaring of my team-mates and all associated with New Life. Epic moments I tell you, Avatar wasn't as dramatic as this.

As good as it felt to be 2-1 up there were still about 18 minutes on the clock. Too long to relax, too long to even think of being complacent, or so we thought, but a lapse in concentration 13 minutes later saw us level again. Another soft goal which felt like a dagger piercing through the hearts of all 11 lions on the pitch.

Chances were missed, bodies were battered and these things play in your mind all the more when you are not winning. My brain began to tell my legs they were tired, my hips began to crumble under me, my vision was blurred but I didn't need to see because I could hear and the next thing I heard was music to my ears....

Yep you guessed it, the final whistle! Oh what a feeling, no on gave us a chance, people only saw darkness ahead, the darkness of the lower division, but my team and I rose above. We conquered. We fought. We injected New Life into New Life Football Team.

We found our form when it mattered, I found my form when it mattered.

The result- We llive to fight another season in the top flight.


Friday, 14 May 2010


Don't you just hate awkward silences? (0_0)       (tick tock, tick tock)  
Yeah, that was awkward *shivers*. So many times when I was at Uni the Seminar leaders would ask questions that at least half the class could have answered but they never did. There was this particular teacher who would scan the room for my face and gesture as if to say 'Rescue me please, this silence is awkward', and most of the time I would do, even if I was chatting utter rubbish, it was better than the silence. All silence did was make things awkward *shivers*and encourage time to slow down. Sometimes after the seminar he would say "Thanks for that. Why don't the others talk? Are they shy? Are they clueless?", to which I usually responded with a shrug.

Similar things happen in church. A pastor will say something like "Praise God Jesus died for sinners!" expecting everyone to respond with a "Hallelujah" or an "Amen" but what he usually receives is somewhat reluctant groans which in the vastness of the building sounds just like awkard silence. People look at each other as if to say "I ain't no sinner, are you?". It's quite comical really because the same people who are silent when questions are asked are the same people talking very audibly, without remorse, when the pastor is actually expecting a bit of silence. Why do we talk when we're supposed to be quiet and refuse to talk when required to?

Oh oh, my personal favourite- Surprise parties. Yeah right? Is it ever a surprise? I mean really. People "whisper" at the top of their lungs when the birthday boy/girl is supposed to be outside the door.

Exhibit A: *cue shouting* "Sssssh, ssssshhh, SHUT UP! What's wrong with you black people? Can't you keep quiet? Gosh! You're getting me mad, just SHUT UP! She's on thee road didn't you hear?"

Yep, round of applause that was really discreet, you made everybody laugh and it's common knowledge that laughter is the most quiet noise on Earth.

Don't get me wrong I find it hilarious, I mean what would a surprise party be without those who didn't give a hoot? I was merely wondering why?

These are the things on Sunshine's mind today.

Until next time...


Saturday, 8 May 2010


Is it just me or does life get harder the easier you try to make it?
Par example:

- I trip over my laces when I tuck them in instead of tying them.
- I get lost when I know how to get somewhere but try to forge a non-existant shortcut.
- My sister gets frustrated guessing the notes of Alicia Keys' songs on the piano (the songsheets are online- read woman!)

Did you see a common factor in the examples above? Yep, you guessed it- LAZINESS!

Don't let anybody fool you;

Laziness Monday x Laziness Tuesday = Laziness 365

And life has no obligation to the lazy ones. In fact, most times, it will laugh at you and spit in your face. Life is a battle, every minute of it, and I have never heard of a lazy warrior (well not one who wasn't slein anyway). The way I see it, laziness is merely a product of over-thinking the effort which you would have to put in to something. More often than not, if one fails to put in the effort initially, one ends up having to put in double effort. #justsaying.

'In trying to cut corners humans go round in circles. Yet going round in circles often drives us round the bend. WHOOPS we're going round again! Someone stop this pointless merry-go-round!'

Life does not have to be a merry-go-round, nor does it have to be a slide for that matter. However, if you sit back and ALLOW life to happen to you, I repeat ALLOW life to happen to you, then it's most likely to feel like a playground apparatus. LIFE IS A BATTLEGROUND not a playground.

If you fail to accept that you must fight your way through it you will lose before drawing a weapon.

Life is your planet and you have to do what you can to defend it and make it better, this obviously does not have to and in fact cannot be done alone which makes the people you trust doubly important (but we'll talk about that another day). Just ask yourself who your fellow warriors are, those who would go with you to the frontline and vice versa.

At the moment I would call my planet Neptune because it is far away from the Sunshine that I imagine but not the furthest it's ever been. My life is seemingly cold right now but not the coldest it's ever been, soon I'll exchange my planet for Earth at the expense of some other warrior. That's just the way it goes...


Name: Selom Sunu

Current Location: Neptune
Status: Fighting for my life and the right to call it mine.


Confession: Most of the time I'm too lazy to blog but still I must BLOG-ON!

Thursday, 22 April 2010


If you don't know by now that I love SUNSHINE then where have you been and what are you reading? This blog is called 'WORLD OF SUNSHINE', would I invite you into a World that I wasn't completely in love with? What are you like? Have you learnt nothing at all? I talk and I talk but nobody listens- ARRRRGGGH...

*COUGH* Ahem, sorry. I get a bit dramatic sometimes. Can you blame me though? I mean I like having a voice which links nicely to the title of today's blog:


How would you feel if your voice was taken away from you? Some of you are thinking 'I would be fine, I would write, I would use symbolism, I would use hand gestures...'. Well, by voice, I meant freedom of speech and also interpretation. Those of us who live in the modernised Western society have so many different rights and one of those is the right to vote. 'Arggh again with the politics talk' you say? YES, again with the politics talk. The right to vote is your voice, your chance to fight against the things you feel are wrong and support the things you feel are right. Forfeiting your right to vote or voting for a random person without knowing what they're about is effectively putting yourself on mute.

Don't be fooled into thinking that your voice won't be heard because it will, no matter your race or ability, if this is your home (UK) then have your say because the outcome of the election really will affect you. One of the best ways to have your say is to actually go down to a polling station on May 6th (subject to registration) and VOTE! There are however, more radical means as some of you may be aware. There are occassions where Gordon Brown has been ambushed by angry members of the public trying to get their voices heard.

There are some people who cannot actually vote but cannot wait to get their voices heard: As I was writing this I flicked over to BBC2 and there was a program where young people were given the opportunity to voice their opinions and some of them even got a chance to quiz an MP. Now none of them were old enough to vote but they made sure they got their voices heard. The ringleader, of Asian descent, was outraged by the fact that his generation (when they start working and paying tax) will have to bear more financial costs because of mistakes made by the current government. "Why should we have to pay for your mistakes?" he asked the MP in an angry tone. The MP's response was clearly evasive and undermining which the boy was quick to point out "You still don't seem to be answering the question! Why do we have to pay for mistakes we haven't made?" (this was a boy of 14 or 15 years). Evidently the MP had underestimated the youth as a lot of MP's do the public. Don't allow yourself to be underestimated, challenge everything- It's your right!

The future is in your hands, if you have dreams for yourself or your children then make sure they are not ended abruptly by the government.


Wednesday, 7 April 2010


As jobhunting is boring me to death Today I decided to read something other than job specs - other people's blogs. It's actually quite fascinating because while reading some of them you realise that you're not the only one who's going through a certain phase. Far from it! In fact most of the blogs I've read, spanning from Today to about a month ago, confirm the opposite. It seems that another season is now coinciding with spring- 'THE WHY SEASON'.

This is the time when people feel like it's make or break, whether in terms of their plans for this year, their careers or their studies, a lot of questions are being asked. And those questions are coming from the inside (our own minds), the questions that would frustrate or convict you if other people were to ask them. The questions that you dare not ask your friends in case they ask "and you?"- *Shivers* *Leave me alone, don't watch my life, concentrate on your own- GOSH*. Does that sound like you? Trust me, you are not alone.

I've lost sleep over such issues in a bid to escape funny looks from peers but why should I let other people's status' define mine. Does God not have a plan for each of us? After all we are individuals. I'm not saying we should pretend we feel great and everything's in order but we can try and turn the 'WHYS' into 'HOWS' by being practical. 'WHY' will only hold you back from the change which requires a 'HOW'. All it takes is a little change in mentality to stop looking at where it all went wrong and start focusing on how to make it right.

So HOW I am going to make this work? Well, I'm gonna do my research and ask God to show me the way!

What about you?

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


The sun's still shining on my part,
Albeit dimly the clouds can't tear me apart
From my destiny
Though they move slowly, majestically
Hope will pierce through like a knife
Most definitely
Wisdom needs effort, effort needs force
Look Fear IT'S OVER I want a divorce
I got me a prenupt you're not getting half of me
Gone are the days when you had a good laugh at me.

You killed my dreams slowly like they were bad habits
Made me believe that I had little talent
Well you can kill dreams but you can't kill a dreamer
Shine like the sun I will
Bright like a daffodil
Almost gave in thought I had no more output
Eyes sunken in had a deep and dark outlook
Then I met Confidence
Me and her are tight now
In fact, she's backing me right now!

Strong like a tidal wave
Thick as a lion's mane
Not with me for her gain
Definitely real
Sure like deodorant,
My nerves are gone
I no longer feel afraid like a debutant
I feel...
Yes NOW I feel
I'm back to my senses
I'm keeping my eyes peeled

I see now that your grip was relentless
Gone are the days when I was afraid to end this.

I see now that your grip was relentless
Gone are the days when I was afraid to end this!

Poetic Sunshine -`o -

Friday, 12 March 2010

Cry of a student

I haven't occupied this space for a while so I thought I would share a poem with you. This is inspired by students worldwide. The style was adapted from what a friend of mine wrote.

Cry of a student

Times are hard.
Like real hard.
Like '9p noodle' hard,
Like 'skipping lectures to try and claim back fees' hard,
Like 'baked beans 21 times a week' hard,
Like 'i would sell the clothes on my back' hard,
Like 'how many times can i give blood?' hard,
Like 'crying when i see chips on the floor' hard,
Like 'slow down, this tshirt is for the week' hard,
Like 'Blackberry messenger? Where is he i'm starving?' hard,

Like 'Vans? Sorry, no speak dutch' hard,
Like 'is that a digestive under the couch?' hard,
Like 'fasting is not a choice' hard,
Like 'hot water? No no, no speak german' hard,
Like 'who's going to morleys to get salt tonight?' hard,
Like 'we've been making live versions of eastenders for years' hard...
Yep, real hard.
C'est tres difficile indeed...
Times are hard!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Back to Basics

This year got off to a very funny start. I decided that I was gonna go back to basics in every area of my life and see what I would learn. I wanted to see what I would learn about myself and why I act in certain ways and do certain things, both positive and negative; and about life in general. Needless to say this has been an interesting exercise and I have learnt quite a few things- and as I have an inside-out view of my life and those close to me look from the outside-in I accept that sometimes I may be the last person to realise certain things about myself.

One of the main things that struck me was that I have devoted very little time to gaining knowledge intentionally. Hosea 4:6 (NIV) says "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge". Knowledge is vital! Far too often in life I take people's word for things because I don't know any better, this is true of a lot of us. It's so easy to get side-tracked when you don't know the difference between right and left. That's why I've gone back to basics, back to the way I was in primary school when I knew nothing and I asked a lot of questions because I still know nothing. I also used to read a lot back then- a hobby I have forced myself to rediscover since mid January.

So following on from the realisation that I know nothing and I have done nothing about the fact that I know nothing came the will to learn something. Just this morning I started reading a book called 'Can you handle the truth?' by R.T. Kendall and Andrew Sampson. It is a Christian book giving different perspectives on 2 Timothy, a book in the Bible written by Paul.

I've only read about 40 pages of it but it's already changed my outlook on a few things. One of the authors, Andew Sampson, was talking about the anointing that Timothy had but didn't know how to tap into it and he was already quite timid, that's why Paul had to encourage him (and us)through these letters. He made a point that we rob ourselves of time and try to hard to do things when we need not to. He went on to say that when you know you are operating in the anointing of the Holy Spirit everything you need to do becomes so much easier.

This to me was so profound because I've always felt that I have a knack for complicating my own life before trials and tribulations even come so by the time they do I'm already on my knees because I'm shattered and the next stage is to fall flat on my face. It doesn't have to be like that. I need to start gaining more knowledge and stop trying so hard because in truth it's easier for me to go round in circles than move forward in my own strength.

I can't stress how important knowledge is, both of our Creator and our relationship with Him and of the world we are commissioned to affect. Find yourself, seek knowledge, meet the Holy Spirit, start living instead of existing!

Much love people,

Speak soon!

Monday, 11 January 2010

Body of Christ

The church (Christians as a unit) is often referred to as the body of Christ... 1 corinthians 12:12 "The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all the parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ." This is just describing the fact that different members of the body have different gifts whether spiritual or otherwise and therefore have different parts to play in the kingdom. I'm going to use that analagy of the body and take it a step further in saying that we all have different roles in each other's lives on an individual level as well but first I want to try and explain something.

The Body of Christ (the way it was intended to be) provides a unique opportunity for us to network with fellow believers and help each other through the Christian walk- Romans 12:5 "so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others". As Christians we are supposed to be united against 'the world' in order to overcome it's difficulties. In order to do this we have to share in each other's difficulties which means we need to be accountable to one another. It seemed to work well in the New Testament and most of the time they managed to encourage instead of condemn. This is the way God intended it to be but in this day and age the devil, through society, has confused our minds to make us feel like we are alone, even to the point that we feel most people are against us.
Openness is now predominantly seen as weakness and people would rather suffer in silence. It doesn't have to be like that. We can apply the 'body analogy' to individuals as well in the sense that we can't exist on our own- we technically need other people (body parts). I believe I have different friends that are in my life for various functions. I'm not encouraging you to be open with everyone but there is a peace that comes from being accountable to the right people. The only catch is that you have to find out who they are.... I need a friend to fill each of the following functions, some will obviously overlap:

Sometimes I need a kick up the backside, are you willing to be that swinging leg? Sometimes I need a shoulder to cry on, will you play the sturdy shoulders? At times I may need comfort, who will be those loving arms? There are times when I need approval, who will be the mouth that utters words of encouragement? There are even some times when I can't see certain things clearly myself and need another perspective, does anyone mind acting as an extra pair of eyes?

Apart from all that, I need a friend to look up to at all times meaning that at least one of my friends has to be the one who walks on spiritual stilts!

One church, One unit, One body!

Peace out!

Monday, 4 January 2010


To most people whether they believe in Him or not, the concept of God is a hard one to understand but if He made our minds then surely He would have put a limit on our knowledge? .....wouldn't He? Just a thought. The point is that we will never fully understand God and He cannot be properly described even if you used all of the letters of the alphabet and alliterated each one;

Observe below Exhibit A:

God Is The...

Adept Alpha
Benign Benefactor
Creative Connoiseur
Dreamer of Destinies
Eternal Excellency
Faithful Father
Gallant Giver
Honourable Hope
Inconceivable Illuminator
Jovial Joygiver
Knowledgeable King
Loving Lord
Merciful Maestro
Nurturing Novelist
Omnipotent Omega
Proven Panacea
Quiet Quencher
Ready Reconciler
Selfless Saviour
The Truth
Unfailing Unction
Vivid Veteran
Wonderful Word
Yearnful Yahweh
Zealous Zoologist

As you can see, I tried but my efforts were in vain. I give up, He's too much- case closed!